Simplify And Automate Your Communication Workflow With Ease

Delight your customers with intelligent conversations at scale.

[ Creating Meaningful Connections ]

Revolutionizing Communications &
Customer Interactions

Experience enhanced business growth and customer interaction with our advanced (communication Platform As A Service) CPaaS solutions. Our platform transforms communication, boosts collaboration, streamlines operations, and ensures outstanding experiences across all channels.

We Know Your Needs

Experience the power of unleashed communication, and forge stronger
connections with customers through our all-inclusive suite of cutting-edge digital solutions.

Business Messaging

Unlock the power of enhanced messaging for your business success.

Customer Engagement

Fueling business growth through customer involvement and loyalty at scale.

Amplified Digital Prescence

Strengthen your online visibility with engaging campaigns and automated workflows.

Interactive Marketing

Create memorable brand experiences with interactive marketing solutions.


We Provide Robust
Communications Solutions

Deliver targeted messages that capture attention and foster engagement.

We help streamline repetitive tasks, enhance productivity, and ensure, error-free processes.

Enhance communication with reliable voice solutions & robust telephony systems.

Secure solutions, providing data backup & seamless collaborations on the cloud.

Comprehensive and proactive support for your technology infrastructure.

Providing convenient shopping experiences through our on-demand digital platforms.

Reach Your Customers Across Various Channels

Your communication is tailored to your customers’ preferences, crafting personalized experiences in our self service platforms.


With API


With API


With API


With API



Liked by Marketers
Loved by Developers />

Get started with by signing up for a free Infopromo account and utilizing our well documented API. Begin sending your first text message, phone call, or email within minutes. 

curl –X POST \
-H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \
-H ‘Accept: application/json’ \
-d ‘{
api_token“:”(YOUR TOKEN STRING)“,
message“:This is a test message


// Define the URL to which the request will be sent
$url = ‘’;

// Prepare the data payload to be sent in JSON format
$data = [
          ‘api_token’ => ‘(YOUR TOKEN STRING)’, // Replace with your API token
         ‘recipient’ => ‘254202337834’, // Phone number of the recipient
         ‘sender_id’ => ‘INFOPROMO’, // Sender ID or name
         ‘type’ => ‘plain’, // Type of message
         ‘message’ => ‘This is a test message’ // Content of the message

// Set options for the HTTP request, including headers and content
$options = [
         ‘http’ => [
                  ‘header’ => “Content-Type: application/json\r\n” . // Set the content type to JSON
                                         “Accept: application/json\r\n”, // Set the accepted response format to JSON
                  ‘method’ => ‘POST’, // Specify the HTTP method as POST
                  ‘content’ => json_encode($data) // Convert the data array to JSON format

// Create a stream context with the specified options
$context = stream_context_create($options);

// Send the HTTP POST request and store the response
$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);

// Output the response received from the server
echo $response;


const https = require(https’); // Import the ‘https’ module

// Prepare the data to be sent in JSON format
const data = JSON.stringify({
    api_token: ‘(YOUR TOKEN STRING)’, // Replace with your API token
   recipient: ‘254202337834’, // Phone number of the recipient
   sender_id: ‘INFOPROMO’, // Sender ID or name
   type: ‘plain’, // Type of message
   message: ‘This is a test message’ // Content of the message

// Define the options for the HTTP request
const options = {
   hostname: ‘’, // The hostname of the server
   path: ‘/api/http/sms/send’, // The path to send the request to
   method: ‘POST’, // The HTTP method to be used
   headers: {
      ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’, // Set the content type to JSON
      ‘Accept’: ‘application/json’ // Set the accepted response format to JSON

// Create the HTTP request
const req = https.request(options, (res) => {
   let responseData = ; // Initialize a variable to store the response data

// Listen for data chunks in the response
   res.on(‘data’, (chunk) => {
      responseData += chunk; // Append each chunk to the response data

// Listen for the end of the response
   res.on(‘end, () => {
     console.log(responseData); // Output the response data when the response ends

// Listen for errors in the request
req.on(‘error, (error) => {
   console.error(error); // Output any errors encountered during the request

// Write the data to the request body and end the request

import requests # Import the ‘requests’ library

url = ‘{uid}/run’ # Define the URL for the request
params = {‘api_token’: ‘(YOUR API TOKEN)’} # Define the parameters to be sent in the request
headers = {accept’: ‘application/json’} # Define the headers for the request

# Send a POST request with the specified URL, parameters, and headers
response =, params=params, headers=headers)

# Print the JSON response received from the server

require ‘net/http’ # Import the ‘net/http’ library
require ‘uri’ # Import the ‘uri’ library
require ‘json’ # Import the ‘json’ library

url = URI.parse(‘{uid}/run’) # Define the URL for the request
http =, url.port) # Create a new HTTP object with the host and port
http.use_ssl = (url.scheme == ‘https’) # Enable SSL if the URL scheme is ‘https’

params = { ‘api_token’ => ‘(YOUR API TOKEN)’ } # Define the parameters to be sent in the request
headers = { ‘accept’ => ‘application/json’ } # Define the headers for the request

# Send a POST request with the specified URL, parameters, and headers
response =, URI.encode_www_form(params), headers)

# Output the body of the response received from the server
puts response.body


Created From The Best
Used By TheBest

Infopromo Communications: The preferred choice for over 10,000 + businesses in customer engagement.

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Go Global With
Infopromo Communications

Our products are available for purchase and use around the world. This ensures seamless service and a consistent experience, no matter your location.

Take Action! Streamline Your Business

Tired of managing multiple tools? Our integrated solutions simplify workflows and save you time.

[ From startups to global ]

Empowering Businesses To Thrive

Ovate E-commerce

With seamless integration of our services, Ovate continues to provide exceptional digital experiences to its customers.

Nexus Group

With our support, Nexus forges ahead confidently, leveraging technology to optimize production.

Edufo Learning

Our digital inclusion enables them offer interactive learning modules, and virtual classrooms.

[ The Infopromo Library ]

Knowledge Base

Stay updated on the latest advancements, enhance customer engagement, and access guides for success.

Navigating The Digital Landscape

Staying updated on these trends will be crucial for individuals and businesses seeking to thrive in the fast-paced world of digital.

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The Power Of Digital Connections

Communication is the driving force behind success. It fosters collaboration, enables innovation, and strengthens relationships.

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Mastering Effective Communications

It’s a skill that can be honed and mastered over time, leading to better relationships, and increased productivity.

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Compelling Content

Learn how to craft content that captivates, engages, and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

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